Mov­ing A Life­time With Senior Move Man­ag­er Mary Jo Zeller

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 • 11am - 1pm

The Arlington of Naples, 7900 Arlington Circle, Naples

Con­sid­er­ing a new res­i­dence that bet­ter meets your needs? You’ll have to decide: What to keep? What to let go? Where to start? The mov­ing process can seem over­whelm­ing, and once you open that first box from the clos­et, emo­tions will flow.

The good news is you can do it! And moving specialist Mary Jo Zeller will show you how. A founding member of the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM), Ms Zeller has supervised over 10,000 moves in her 45-year career and is the exclusive move consultant for The Arlington of Naples.

Whether you have questions about making a move, want to "energize" your living space, or are helping a loved one, this event is for you.

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