Oak­ton Place at The Arling­ton offers con­ve­nient and flex­i­ble short-term stay options in both our award-win­ning Assist­ed Liv­ing and Heart­felt Con­nec­tions – A Mem­o­ry Care Pro­gram® areas. Of course, all of our guests enjoy the same love­ly liv­ing arrange­ments, friend­ly sup­port, pre­mi­um ameni­ties and life-enrich­ing pro­gram­ming as Oak­ton Place residents.

Tran­si­tion­al Stays

A few weeks with us can make a world of difference.

Recov­er with us after a hos­pi­tal­iza­tion or skilled nurs­ing stay. We pro­vide the com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices and com­pas­sion­ate care you need to return home safe­ly. In addi­tion, unlike most com­mu­ni­ties, we are spe­cial­ly licensed to admin­is­ter in both Assist­ed Liv­ing and Mem­o­ry Sup­port set­tings, nurs­ing ser­vices and spe­cial­ized ther­a­pies that oth­er­wise would require a skilled nurs­ing care stay. Tran­si­tion­al Stays are avail­able from 30 to 60 days at an all-inclu­sive dai­ly rate.

Respite Care

Every care­giv­er needs a break from time to time.

Whether you’re going on a planned vaca­tion, have work or fam­i­ly oblig­a­tions, or sim­ply want more per­son­al time, you can count on us to treat your loved one like fam­i­ly. Oak­ton Place Respite Care allows you to step back from the respon­si­bil­i­ties of care­giv­ing, with the con­fi­dence that your loved one will enjoy excep­tion­al atten­tion and skilled sup­port dur­ing their stay. 

Tri­al Stays

Expe­ri­ence life at Oak­ton Place with­out obligation.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing an assist­ed liv­ing or mem­o­ry care set­ting, but not quite ready to decide, a no-oblig­a­tion Tri­al Stay is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn what a dif­fer­ence Oak­ton Place can make in your loved one’s life. 

Apart­ments are now avail­able for occupancy.

Talk to a sales coun­selor now at (239) 9001372. We offer per­son­al­ized tours sev­en days a week.