Fill Your Day with the Things that Make You Happy

Our wealth of ameni­ties, activ­i­ties and hos­pi­tal­i­ty ser­vices rival those of a five-star resort and are designed to enrich your life and keep you active, healthy and engaged. Which is exact­ly what you would expect from one of the top senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ties in south­west Florida. 

Includ­ed in your month­ly fee:

Aquat­ic Cen­ter and Spa – An enclosed heat­ed swim­ming pool and spa, along with an out­door
sun­ning deck and patio, pro­vide wel­com­ing options for pool­side enjoyment. 

The Arling­ton Club­house and Pool – This com­mu­ni­ty oasis fea­tures a club­house and a recre­ation­al out­door pool for every­day use.

Cin­e­ma – The Arlington’s Cin­e­ma sched­ule includes movie, sports and doc­u­men­tary show­ings, as well as edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams and guest speakers.

Cul­tur­al Arts Cen­ter – At the heart of com­mu­ni­ty life, the Cul­tur­al Arts Cen­ter offers a cal­en­dar of spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tions, con­certs, lec­tures and on-site worship.

Din­ing Options – From fine din­ing at the Exhi­bi­tion Restau­rant to refined casu­al at Bistro 7900 to craft cock­tails and small plates at our live­ly Pub, deli­cious is always on the menu.

Fit­ness Cen­ter – Ful­ly equipped with weight and car­dio­vas­cu­lar train­ing equip­ment, the Fit­ness Cen­ter is the place to pur­sue per­son­al fit­ness goals, with cer­ti­fied train­ers to guide you.

Out­door Activ­i­ties – Like boc­ce? Our mul­ti­ple courts are pro­fes­sion­al grade, and if you play com­pet­i­tive­ly, we field 16 teams. Prac­tice your stance and stroke at our top-notch putting greens. And our exten­sive cam­pus offers over five scenic miles of bik­ing and walk­ing paths.

The Pub – With its live­ly ambiance, com­fy booths and gor­geous views, The Pub is the per­fect place to meet friends, watch the big game, and enjoy craft cock­tails and small plates from the chef’s Pub menu.

Reju­ve­nate Salon and Spa – The ser­vices of a licensed beau­ti­cian and bar­ber are offered in The Arling­ton’s Salon. Nail ser­vices, mas­sage and facials are also available.

Well­ness Cen­ter – The Arlington’s Well­ness Cen­ter part­ners with Team Health to offer health­care ser­vices with on-cam­­pus convenience.