At The Arling­ton, you’ll have the free­dom – and the time – to savor the things you love. Our tal­ent­ed team will attend to every detail – from main­tain­ing your ele­gant res­i­dence to pro­vid­ing the wealth of thought­ful ameni­ties and life-enrich­ing activ­i­ties – that makes The Arling­ton lifestyle so engag­ing, reward­ing and delightful.

Every­thing is Included

Liv­ing at The Arling­ton is a wel­come alter­na­tive to the expense and effort of home own­er­ship. One month­ly ser­vice fee cov­ers prac­ti­cal­ly every­thing – land­scap­ing, main­te­nance, util­i­ties, Wi-Fi, week­ly house­keep­ing, util­i­ties and cable. There are no prop­er­ty tax­es, spe­cial assess­ments or insur­ance to pay for. 

There’s So Much to Share, Enjoy and Learn

Life at The Arling­ton is filled with well­ness, edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al oppor­tu­ni­ties. Take a yoga class. Take a paint­ing les­son in our cre­ative arts stu­dio. Fol­low your inter­ests with our res­i­dent-run clubs, and attend an engag­ing lec­ture. And just beyond our gates, the acclaimed Lely Resort offers easy access to three cham­pi­onship golf cours­es, ten­nis courts, miles of scenic walk­ing and bik­ing trails, and oth­er ameni­ties. And a region­al library is just across the street.