The Arling­ton of Naples is man­aged by Life Care Ser­vices®, An LCS® Com­pa­ny. With a res­i­dent-first approach, Life Care Ser­vices has grown to become the third-largest man­ag­er of senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ties in the nation, man­ag­ing more than 140 com­mu­ni­ties across the coun­try. Their 50-year track record of suc­cess brings an unpar­al­leled depth of knowl­edge and breadth of exper­tise to The Arling­ton of Naples.

Our Lead­er­ship Team

Christy Skinner

Executive Director

Cam­pus Directors

Mary Camp­bell
Direc­tor of Res­i­dent Ser­vices / Direc­tor of Lifestyle

Scott Fal­cone
Direc­tor of Facilities

Deb­o­rah Galt
Direc­tor of Envi­ron­men­tal Services

Rob­bi Cleve­land
Direc­tor of Sales and Marketing

Kristin Dun­ning
Reg­is­tered Dietician

Robin Lan­cast­er
Account­ing Director

Dr. Ian Cor­pus, MD
Med­ical Director 

Dawn Tay­lor
Direc­tor of Human Resources