Florida’s Tax Advantages

Posted Jan 15, 2024

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Anoth­er rea­son why The Arling­ton is the per­fect place to live: Flori­da tax advantages.

Are you a Flori­da snow­bird?” Here’s a ques­tion: Why go through all the trou­ble and expense of fly­ing here just for Sea­son when you can enjoy every­thing the Sun­shine State offers by mak­ing your home at The Arling­ton, Naples’ pre­mier Life Plan Community?

It’s not just the per­fect inde­pen­dent liv­ing lifestyle choice: 39 pri­vate acres in Naples’ Lely Resort; gor­geous sin­gle-fam­i­ly, stand-alone Estate Homes and con­do-style apart­ments; five-star ameni­ties; and life­time access to award-win­ning senior health­care, It’s also a very smart finan­cial move. That’s because Flori­da’s allure extends beyond the invit­ing cli­mate and won­der­ful way of life – there are sub­stan­tial tax exemp­tions and oth­er ben­e­fits, which include:

No Flori­da state income tax. Flori­da stands out as one of the few that does­n’t levy a state income tax on most forms of income, such as wages, invest­ment income and retire­ment benefits. 

No Flori­da estate or inher­i­tance tax­es. In Flori­da, res­i­dents can pass on more of their assets to their heirs with­out the bur­den of state-lev­el taxes.

Favor­able poli­cies for invest­ments. There is no intan­gi­ble per­son­al prop­er­ty tax on invest­ments like stocks and bonds. 

Addi­tion­al Flori­da tax exemp­tions. Flori­da offers var­i­ous tax exemp­tions that can lead to every­day sav­ings. These include exemp­tions on sales tax for cer­tain items, such as gro­ceries and pre­scrip­tion medications. 

Anoth­er finan­cial advan­tage. Although it’s not a Flori­da tax ben­e­fit per se, in Flori­da cer­tain assets are pro­tect­ed against judg­ments, mean­ing they can­not be tak­en by cred­i­tors to sat­is­fy debts. These include wages, retire­ment accounts, life insur­ance and annu­ities, and Flori­da health sav­ings accounts. The Flori­da Home­stead law pro­tects pri­ma­ry res­i­dences against forced sales or liens.

To enjoy these ben­e­fits, you’ll need to estab­lish Flori­da as your pri­ma­ry res­i­dence. This involves spend­ing around half the year in Flori­da, obtain­ing a Flori­da dri­ver’s license, reg­is­ter­ing to vote, and inte­grat­ing into the com­mu­ni­ty. At The Arling­ton, it’s seam­less because your new res­i­dence is part of a vibrant and wel­com­ing senior liv­ing community.

Inter­est­ed? If you’re con­sid­er­ing mov­ing to Flori­da, be sure to start by con­sult­ing with your tax advi­sor or attor­ney. Then get ready to enjoy the finan­cial ben­e­fits of liv­ing in Florida. 

By the way, while you’re here enjoy­ing Sea­son, sched­ule a tour, and get a taste of what the Naples Dai­ly News has named Best Retire­ment / 55+ Com­mu­ni­ty.” We’re con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed close to Mar­co Island and Down­town Naples.


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