Select a date to attend

Thurs­day, August 18 Thurs­day, August 25

Run­away infla­tion.
Ris­ing inter­est rates.
Soar­ing ener­gy costs.

And labor and mate­r­i­al short­ages that are stalling home ren­o­va­tions and repairs. The expense of own­ing a res­i­dence in the Naples area has nev­er
been high­er or as unpredictable.

Now, more than ever, a gor­geous, main­te­­nance-free apart­ment or ele­gant Estate Home at The Arling­ton makes real finan­cial sense.

Join us for:
The Finan­cial Advan­tages of The Arling­ton,
Pre­sent­ed by The Welling­ton Group

Gourmet Lunch to be pro­vid­ed.

RSVP today or call (239) 5999140.