D­ine & Dis­cov­er Lun­cheon – Clear the Clut­ter with Expert Guidance

D­ine & Dis­cov­er Lun­cheon – Clear the Clut­ter with Expert Guidance

If the mere thought of downsizing is holding you back from elevating your future, we’re here to help. Join our next Dine & Discover event with downsizing and moving expert Mary Jo Zeller, Senior Move Manager at Gero Solutions. Mary Jo has had a hand in more than 10,000 moves to retirement countries across the country in her 45-year career. Now, she’ll share her expert insights on downsizing strategies and preparation to help you overcome your clutter and make a smooth move for an elevated future at The Arlington.


To RSVP, fill out the form below or call us at (239) 932-2946 today!