The Great­est Gift A Par­ent Can Give

Posted Dec 20, 2022

Gift w hands

Find­ing the per­fect hol­i­day gift is some­thing we all strug­gle with. Peo­ple spend weeks lead­ing up to the hol­i­day sea­son going from store to store and check­ing online deals, when some­times the best gift isn’t a phys­i­cal prod­uct, but some­thing intan­gi­ble. This sea­son, give your adult chil­dren the peace of mind know­ing that you’re tak­en care of. Con­sid­er the Arling­ton of Naples and learn about the peace of mind we offer res­i­dents and their families.

It’s help­ful to devel­op a plan as you age, for your own well­be­ing and your family’s. All chil­dren want the best for their par­ents as they get old­er, so why not get them involved ear­li­er in the process. Let­ting them know your plan or hav­ing them assist you devel­op one will help you both tremen­dous­ly down the road.

Becom­ing part of a Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ty like The Arling­ton allows you to take con­trol of your future. Uncer­tain­ties you had before will begin to fade and new pos­si­bil­i­ties will start to blos­som. You’ll be able to live life to its full capac­i­ty. Vis­it places you’ve always want­ed to go, pick up old hob­bies or start new ones, and cre­ate life­long friend­ships with the con­fi­dence of being finan­cial­ly and phys­i­cal­ly secure. 

The Arling­ton is the pre­mier lux­u­ry senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ty in Naples. We offer resort style liv­ing with a pool, club­house, spa, fine din­ing, and friend­ly faces at every turn. Your chil­dren won’t be able to wait to vis­it you! Just to check in and make sure you’re doing alright, of course. Decid­ing to stay in our com­mu­ni­ty will put your family’s minds at ease, but who’s real­ly going to be rak­ing in all the benefits?

Not only do we offer an ample num­ber of ameni­ties, but per­son­al secu­ri­ty as well. The Arling­ton has an on-site health clin­ic for all res­i­dents to use, plus vis­it­ing physi­cians so you don’t have to trav­el far for doc­tor vis­its. There is a main­te­nance team just a phone call away to solve any issues that arise with your apartment/​home and 24-hour secu­ri­ty so you’ll always feel safe while enjoy­ing our cam­pus. When we say we offer res­i­dents and fam­i­lies peace of mind, we real­ly mean it.

Devel­op­ing a plan as you age isn’t an admit­tance of defeat, it’s the exact oppo­site. Plan­ning for the impor­tant things like health, finances, and hous­ing now, will open new oppor­tu­ni­ties for what you tru­ly want to do dur­ing retire­ment. So, this hol­i­day sea­son, give your fam­i­ly a gift that will keep on giv­ing for years to come. 

Hap­py hol­i­days from The Arling­ton family! 

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