Wel­come to Love­ly Lely Resort, Home of The Arlington

Apr 19, 2023 | Life at The Arlington

You can’t beat life at The Arling­ton. One of the rea­sons is our prime loca­tion: 39 pri­vate acres with­in one of the most beau­ti­ful com­mu­ni­ties in Col­lier Coun­ty – Lely Resort. A high­ly sought-after Naples address, Lely Resort offers 2,600 acres of excep­tion­al liv­ing amid blue lakes and pris­tine pre­serves on Flori­da’s south­west coast. The com­mu­ni­ty has won numer­ous awards for its design and archi­tec­ture. Over 7,000 peo­ple live in Lely Resort, and its engag­ing lifestyle and social and recre­ation­al oppor­tu­ni­ties have made Lely Resort a high­ly pop­u­lar area for both fam­i­lies and seniors.

A More Relaxed Way of Life

Naples is one of the fastest grow­ing cities in Flori­da, and that’s made much of the city even more con­gest­ed, espe­cial­ly dur­ing Sea­son. As a planned com­mu­ni­ty, Lely Resort offers less traf­fic and no crowds. Of course, that gives you the best of both worlds: the seren­i­ty and ameni­ties of our resort-like set­ting and, when you want, the excite­ment of Naples and Mar­co Island.

What a Location!

As they say in real estate, ​loca­tion, loca­tion, loca­tion!” Lely Resort is con­ve­nie2t­ly sit­u­at­ed near I‑75, which runs north-south through the length of Flori­da. For those seek­ing the beach­es of Mar­co Island or the won­der­ful shop­ping and enter­tain­ment of Naples’ Down­town, you’ll find both are just 15 min­utes away. Bor­der­ing Lely Resort (and very close to The Arling­ton), you’ll find the South Region­al Pub­lic Library; Physi­cian’s Region­al Hos­pi­tall; and the Flori­da South­west­ern State Col­lege cam­pus. Retail shop­ping com­plex­es and restau­rants are just beyond the com­mu­ni­ty’s entrance.

Built By STOCK

With their ele­gant lines, easy-liv­ing floor plans and fas­tid­i­ous atten­tion to detail, the gor­geous Estate Homes at The Arling­ton are some­thing spe­cial. Each was designed by one of Florida’s top lux­u­ry builders, STOCK Sig­na­ture Homes. The Stock fam­i­ly took over devel­op­ment of Lely Resort in 2001, and made it what it is today. And you’ll find their dis­tinc­tive archi­tec­tur­al ​sig­na­ture” on most of the sin­gle-fam­i­ly res­i­dences through­out Lely Resort.

A Secure Community

Lely Resort is locat­ed about eight miles inland from the Gulf. That made a big dif­fer­ence when Cat­e­go­ry 4 Hur­ri­cane Ian struck Naples last Sep­tem­ber. Although there was minor flood­ing in some parts of Lely, The Arling­ton itself – built to the high­est hur­ri­cane-resis­tance stan­dards – incurred no dam­age – wind- or water-wise. By the way, the Col­lier Coun­ty Emer­gency Man­age­ment facil­i­ty – head­quar­ters for first respon­ders – is locat­ed just east of Lely and lit­er­al­ly across the street from The Arling­ton. And that’s very reassuring.

Recre­ation Galore!

Naples has been called ​The Nation’s Golf Cap­i­tal,” and Lely Resort is home to two of its best pub­lic cours­es. They’re both just a six-minute dri­ve (no pun) from The Arling­ton. The Flamin­go – Robert Trent Jones’ 7,171-yard mas­ter­piece has been named one of America’s best by Golf Week. Its sig­na­ture Hole 5 is entire­ly sur­round­ed by water. Designed by Golf Hall of Famer Lee Trevi­no, the stun­ning 7,230-yard Mus­tang golf course fea­tures rolling fair­ways set amid 12 sparkling lakes.

Not too far away in Old Naples, ten­nis lovers have access to 12 courts at the Arthur L. Allen Ten­nis Cen­ter. These state-of-the-art, pro­fes­sion­al-lev­el ten­nis courts are avail­able for both mem­bers. And for res­i­dents who enjoy walk­ing or bik­ing, our cam­pus con­nects to a serene, four-mile trail.

You’re going to absolute­ly love at The Arling­ton in Lely Resort. Come for a vis­it, and we’ll show you around.

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The Arlington of Naples

7900 Arlington Circle
Naples, FL 34113

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