Life Care Services® Signature Programs | The Arlington of Naples

LCS® Signature Experiences

The Arlington is fortunate to be managed by Life Care Services®, an LCS® Company, a nationally recognized leader in senior living. Our partnership with LCS allows us to offer exclusive Signature Programs designed to enrich your life, promote well-being, and provide unparalleled peace of mind for you and your family.

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Extraordinary Impressions®

Through the Extraordinary Impressions® program, we focus on delivering high-quality experiences that exceed your expectations and create a rich, engaging lifestyle. Our dedicated staff is committed to making you feel valued, important, and truly at home.

Through Extra­or­di­nary Impressions:

  • We pas­sion­ate­ly and proud­ly dif­fer­en­ti­ate ourselves.
  • We meet and exceed res­i­dents’ expectations.
  • We con­sis­tent­ly demon­strate our ser­vice cul­ture and rec­og­nize all who embody it.
Our Hospitality Promises
When you enter a com­mu­ni­ty man­aged by Life Care Ser­vices®, you’ll imme­di­ate­ly feel the warmth of our Hos­pi­tal­i­ty Promises:

  • We greet you warm­ly, by name, and with a smile.
  • We treat every­one with cour­te­ous respect.
  • We antic­i­pate your needs and act accord­ing­ly.
  • We lis­ten and respond enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly in a time­ly man­ner.
  • We hold our­selves and one anoth­er account­able.
  • We make you feel impor­tant.
  • We embrace and val­ue our dif­fer­ences.
  • We ask, ​“Is there any­thing else I can do for you?”
  • We main­tain high lev­els of pro­fes­sion­al­ism, both in con­duct and appear­ance, at all times.
  • We pay atten­tion to details.
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Health & Well­ness Nav­i­ga­tion Pro­gram™
The award-winning Health & Wellness Navigation Program is designed to keep you informed and supported throughout every step of your journey. Our friendly Health & Wellness Navigator is like your personal guide, handling all the logistics and planning so you can focus on what really matters – your health and happiness.
Program Details
We know that staying active and engaged is key to aging well, and that’s exactly what our program is all about. By focusing on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness – physical, intellectual, social, vocational, emotional, and spiritual – we help you maintain your health, sharpen your mind, and enjoy a fantastic quality of life.
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Heart­felt Con­nec­tions Mem­o­ry Care Pro­gram®
At Life Care Ser­vices, our focus is on serv­ing the res­i­dent. We apply this same approach with Heart­felt Con­nec­tions – A Mem­o­ry Care Pro­gram®. This exclu­sive LCS Sig­na­ture Expe­ri­ence is a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized pro­gram that pro­vides care for res­i­dents with Alzheimer’s dis­ease and oth­er relat­ed mem­o­ry-impair­ing demen­tias. Heart­Felt Con­nec­tions makes a dif­fer­ence because it tru­ly focus­es on the res­i­dent and their abilities.
Program Details
Our mem­o­ry care pro­gram uses cus­tomized rem­i­nis­cence tools to help loved ones cap­ture a last­ing lega­cy of details about each resident’s life — fam­i­ly, friends, career, hob­bies, likes and dislikes. But we don’t just collect these precious details – we put them to use, creating personalized programming designed to promote physical and emotional well-being, prolong daily functioning, and help each resident maintain a sense of purpose, satisfaction, and dignity.

The Arlington of Naples

7900 Arlington Circle
Naples, FL 34113

Let's Chat

Schedule a personal visit with our team to discuss your options and ask any questions.


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